Thursday, April 30, 2020

Narrow is the Path

Happy 100th millionth day of COVID-19 Pandemic.   

I want to share some things that have been on my heart for the last few weeks.

Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

Not a day goes by that I haven’t thought of this scripture.  Maybe it’s God’s way of reminding me not to follow the masses.  

The whole COVID-19 hasn’t sat right in my Spirit since the beginning.  When I have a strong conviction that something isn’t right or doesn’t make sense, I seek wisdom and revelation from Above, not the media or world leaders.  I am a Truth Seeker, I stand up for Righteousness and fight for Justice.  I was born this way, it’s part of my DNA, it is who I am. 

So, in the last month I have turned to social media to voice my concerns, thoughts, and opinions.  Freedom of speech, right? This has come with a cost.  It has cost me business and sadly friends. One thing is for sure COVID-19 has done it’s best to create division among the people and it certainly has revealed one’s character.   

My posts have been attacked with ugly, disrespectful, name-calling comments.  I do my best to delete them as quickly as I can. I won’t tolerate that kind of language on my timeline. My timeline is not going to be a platform for argument and debate.  I’ve received hateful threatening messages in my inbox from people I haven’t even met nor are they in my friend’s list.

I also receive messages in my inbox and text daily, really more than I can keep up with sometimes, of people sending links and information that they want me to share, of people rallying for me and encouraging me on this journey, some who have admittedly said they don’t want to lose family and friends so they remain quiet, and many of these people are complete strangers to me.  I want every one of you to know how much I appreciate the love and support you are showing me. It’s your encouragement and faith that keeps me going some days.

There are people that are fearful of this virus and want the Stay Home order to continue.  And then there are those that believe the shutdown never should have happened.  Here’s where character and Love step up.  Although we differ in opinion or belief, I will continue to honor and respect your choice.   What I won’t tolerate is being attacked.  It is in times like this, under pressure, that one’s character is revealed.  Let’s make sure it is of love, kindness and respect for one another.  Seriously, we’ve get too much hate and misinformation from the media and Politicians, if they can divide us they will conquer us. WE should stand United…WE are the People!  All of us, no matter which side of the fence we are on, should be demanding the Truth.

Until now I have never considered myself a Patriot, but here I am.  I even purchased my first American flag to hang on my house last week!

It's time for Patriots to rise up, Push back and Push hard.  For those that can’t, we understand and will fight for you.

As I was writing this scripture came to me:
James 1:12 Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.
The Lord is always so good to us.  

Be Blessed.
Saved By Grace Changed By Love

Monday, April 20, 2020

Pandemic - Open States

I don't understand why people are against opening up the States.

Seriously, if you are afraid, you don't have to participate. Stay home. Just because we open up doesn't mean you have to leave your house. And personally, if you are fearful I would prefer that you do stay home. What you fear will surely happen to you.

Whatever magical date you feel safe living life again we will welcome you back. And that's what date you decide. Honestly, May 5th or May 16th won't be any different than today. There will still be people sneezing and coughing in restaurants. There will still be people who insist on going to work sick. There will still be people with bad hygiene. And there will still be fatal car wrecks.

Those of us who want to protect our Freedom totally respect your choice to stay home. We are not going to come to your home, harass you or send you crazy name-calling threatening messages (like the ones I've received).

Please return the same respect to us.
Saved By Grace Changed By Love

Pandemic - What I have learned

This so called “pandemic” has proven a few things about humanity to me.

Allow me to share:

1.        People tend to want what everyone else has.  Hoarding of toilet paper.  It seems it’s become a competition.  If someone makes jumping off a cliff seem cool or a necessity it appears that a multitude will blindly follow.

2.       People want what they can’t have. A mere suggested will send folks over the edge searching for something they can’t find.  Toilet paper sold out everywhere.  This reminds me of Christmas…a subliminal message from advertisers will send parents searching to the ends of the earth and sometimes paying more for that year’s “hot” toy.

3.        The media is using subliminal messages to retrain our thought process.  And people are falling for it.  These hot taglines are now being used by the public.  Up until now I avoid using these lines in my conversations, as I refuse to succumb to the “hot new trend”.  Lines like “Save lives, Stay home”, “Social Distancing” and the one I hate the most, “new normal”.   

4.       People will easily jump on the “bandwagon” without or little research of their own.

5.       Fear controls people.  If you never have understood why an abused woman stays in a relationship, you should now. 

If you didn’t believe in the power of the tongue to influence life and the atmosphere before, you should now, if not you haven’t been paying attention the human behavior. 

As always, the virus is real, stay safe, and take personal responsibility especially if you are high risk.

Saved By Grace Changed By Love