Sunday, December 30, 2012

Leading to The Cross or Chasing Away?

I had to make a heartbreaking decision not too long ago.  A very dear friend, who I wanted so badly to know Jesus, told me that he was never going to church again and he wasn’t going to do the “God” thing and it was because of me.

WOW … what a blow.  The one thing I wanted most was never going to happen.  I was chasing one of the most important people in my life away from the cross!

I knew then I had to take a step back.  Nothing is more important, not my feelings, wants, needs, desires, than a person’s salvation.  I could no longer stand in the way of him finding his way to the cross.

Sometimes, and all too often, it’s the people closest to us, the ones we love the most, that we hinder.

Maybe it’s because they knew us before, or maybe they see us stumble.  Maybe they see us at some very ugly moments.  Whatever it is, you know the enemy is right there pointing out the worse in us to give our loved ones reasons not to go to the cross.

Why does the enemy target our loved ones?  Other than wanting to collect souls for his kingdom, he wants to shake our faith and ruin our witness.  He wants to point fingers and accuse us of being fakes.  He wants to destroy our relationships and what better way than to use “religion”.

When leading others to Jesus we must be very mindful about our words, actions and be wise to the enemy’s tactics.  Just plant the seed & love on people.  If they don't want to accept Christ that's their deal.  Our salvation is not based on their decision and we don't make a commission.  Yes, our hearts break for lost loved ones, but we just have to trust God.

The funny thing about this story is … all along he thought he was getting in the way of my relationship with God … as it turns out I was blocking his.  Strange how the enemy can use the love for Christ and the love for another person to pull three people apart.

I can’t change the world but I can change ME :)

The Man Died for Me !

The Man died for me!
 And it wasn't a quick death like a bullet to the head. The Man was beaten, mutilated and then hung on a cross, His hands & feet pierced with yucky rusted nails AND WITHOUT anesthesia!!!
 The least I can do for this Man is honor & praise Him ... I have to admit though ... I am awesome at the praise but when it comes to honoring Him ... I fall short everyday.
A goal for this year ... Work on honoring Jesus by the way I live my life EVERYDAY. 
I can't change the world but I can change me :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friend or Acquaintance?

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

What does this mean?  That I would take a bullet for a friend?  Well, yes I believe so.  However, I believe it goes much further than that.

I have a friend, (and maybe after studying this scripture, the term friend is being used loosely)
 this “friend” swore he would give up his life for mine.  I was flattered, for only a minute.  I quickly remembered all the times he let me down.  Times he didn’t honor commitments, times he betrayed my trust, and times he wasn’t there for me when I needed a shoulder. How in the world could I trust this person with my life when I couldn’t trust him to show up any other time?

You see, I believe, like so many others, that this “friend” had heard this scripture or something like it and thought how honorable & selfless it is to literally die for someone else.  So they “use” the scripture to prove their love for their “friends”, knowing that the likelihood of them literally dying for someone is not going to happen. 

I believe when Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”, He wasn’t just talking about literal death.  He was saying die to your flesh, your wants, needs, desires and serve your friends.  Serve your friends with love, compassion & consideration, with thanksgiving in your heart. Take care of your friends even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable for you. Be joyful & glad to do it.  And if necessary protect them with your life. 

So my question is, if people really understood what it meant to ‘lay down one’s life’, would they be so quick to say, ‘yeah, I would die for you.’  My guess is they would not.  You see we live in a very selfish fallen world and for the most part a true friend is a rare find.

I do not set New Year resolutions, but I do set goals, and this year one of my goals is to become a better friend. I can't change the world but I can change me.

Are you a Friend or Acquaintance?

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

When Life Gets Hard ...

I was talking with a friend the other day had been going through a hard time, the conversation got me thinking about all I’ve been through and how this person could have what I have even in difficult situations.

This person had made a decision, a decision with consequences both in the natural and spirit.  It was one of those, as stated, “Be careful for what you wish for” decisions.

I have caught myself many times saying but …“This isn’t what I want…” That’s not where I want to go…" “I don’t want to do that …”  “but I am not happy…”  WOW … How selfish … I have to constantly remind myself I wasn’t created for me … I was created for HIM … and this life is not about me … but about how I can bring glory to HIM.

So many times we get caught up in our own selfish feelings that before we know it we are in a situation that feels really good to our flesh but has completely clouded our judgment and perception, and justifying every act of sin and immorality.  These types of situations, although they feel good to the flesh and often for a period of time we feel energized and on top of the world, they will steal our joy and peace … the joy and peace that only comes from the Lord. Before you know it you are telling our friends “I am/have been going through a hard time.”

Sometimes we have difficult circumstances due to someone's choices but usually we are the ones creating our own difficulties.   Fortunately I know the ONE that can redeem and restore what I mess up, in a moment’s time He can change everything   … He can take what the enemy of my soul meant for destruction and somehow turn it around to be used for HIS glory. 

So if you are going through a hard time, lost your peace, joy, maybe something needs to change … maybe you are going the wrong direction and need to turn around … the answer is simple but hard to remember when we are living in the world … Prayer … Read the Bible … every answer is there … that is where you will find direction … God’s Holy Word is True.

Life isn’t meant to be “hard”, it is to be celebrated, to live, to serve, to love – to be loved but mostly to give love.   Get back to the basics … Jesus loves me this I know … for the Bible tells me so ... His Love, His Mercy, His Grace endures forever ... We are never too far gone ... and it is never too late to turn back to HIM. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Praying to the Dead - The Dead Among Us

I recently encounter someone who is claiming that her dead grandmother is living among her and that she prays to her dead grandmother.  As she was describing the circumstance and looking at me with questions all I could think about was that this home was full of demonic spirits.  I was very disturbed by this and given that this is the first time I had ever met this girl I chose my words carefully.  I have a tendency to be blunt, straight-forward, and sometimes down right insulting.  But this time I believed I handled it well ... I just simply said "My question would be why isn't your grandmother in heaven?"  Apparently, I didn't handle it well, she did get defensive and word through the family is she doesn't like me.  Did that surprise me ... No ... I have been involved with this family for 2 1/2 years ... I am the light that shines in the dark ... And let me tell you, when the light is shining the demonic spirits get agitated ... It's not her that doesn't like me it's the demonic influence that she is under ... It is so predictable ... anytime I am speaking truth, I am hated and mocked, I have even been spit on.

One of her questions was, if what she was seeing was demonic, then why isn't her son scared.

 We have to remember that the enemy of our soul is an imitator, and brings pleasure only for a season. 

After leaving the house her cousin explained to me that she is/has been involved in witchcraft ... WOW ... that explains why she sees spirits!  And why her son isn't scared!  She doesn't understand the door that she has opened for the demonic to rule in her life. 

So here is my question for her ... Her lifestyle clearly says she does not believe in God, His Word or Heaven, so why was she offended when I asked why her grandmother is not in Heaven???

Come on people, you can't have it both ways ... you can't live here on earth serving the kingdom of darkness and expect to spend eternity in the Kingdom of Light.

The Holy Bible clearly states that we are not to pray to the dead ... and we are destined to die once ... Heaven or Hell ... the choice is ours ...

The following is an article from  ... I couldn't have written it better.

Praying to the dead is strictly forbidden in the Bible. Deuteronomy 18:11 tells us that anyone who “consults with the dead” is “detestable to the Lord.” The story of Saul consulting a medium to bring up the spirit of the dead Samuel resulted in his death “because he was unfaithful to the LORD; he did not keep the word of the LORD and even consulted a medium for guidance” (1 Samuel 28:1-25; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14). Clearly, God has declared that such things are not to be done.

Consider the characteristics of God. God is omnipresent—everywhere at once—and is capable of hearing every prayer in the world (Psalm 139:7-12). A human being, on the other hand, does not possess this attribute. Also, God is the only one with the power to answer prayer. In this regard, God is omnipotent—all powerful (Revelation 19:6). Certainly this is an attribute a human being—dead or alive—does not possess. Finally, God is omniscient—He knows everything (Psalm 147:4-5). Even before we pray, God knows our genuine needs and knows them better than we do. Not only does He know our needs, but He answers our prayers according to His perfect will.

So, in order for a dead person to receive prayers, the dead individual has to hear the prayer, possess the power to answer it, and know how to answer it in a way that is best for the individual praying. Only God hears and answers prayer because of His perfect essence. This perfect essence includes what some theologians call “immanence.” Immanence is the doctrine that affirms God is directly involved with the affairs of mankind (1 Timothy 6:14-15), which includes answering prayer.

Even after a person dies, God is still involved with that person and his destination. Hebrews 9:27 says so: “…Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” If a person dies in Christ, he goes to heaven to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:1-9, especially verse 8); if a person dies in his sin, he goes to hell, and eventually everyone in hell will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:14-15).

A person suffering in agony will not be able to hear or answer a prayer, nor will a person who is living in heavenly bliss with God. If we pray to someone and they are in eternal agony, should we expect them to be able to hear and answer our prayers? Likewise, a person in heaven has no concern for that which is on earth, so should we expect him to be concerned for my temporal problems? God has provided His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the mediator between man and God (1 Timothy 2:5). Since Jesus Christ is the mediator between the two parties, we can go through Jesus to God. Since we can go through the Son of God, why would we want to go through a sinful dead individual, especially when doing so risks the wrath of God?

Friday, April 6, 2012

On Calvary

I try to imagine what it would have been like on that Hill today … Would I have followed Jesus up the Hill weeping for Him … Would I have helped Him carry the cross … Would I have offered to take His place ???  Would I have died so that people that detest me, spit on me, mocked me, and beat me could have everlasting life … With nails in my wrist & feet, would I have been able to say “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Although not to the extreme measure as Jesus, Christians face the same judgments from unbelievers.   We are detested, spit on, mocked, beaten, persecuted and some are put to death. 
We should not be surprised by this.  Jesus warned that we would be hated because of Him.  Matt 10:22. 

The question is … when we are faced with such persecution, do we remain faithful?  Will we forgive & love them like Jesus did on the cross?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"The One"

Is there such a thing as "The One”?  Does God have One Special person for each of us?  I mean, isn't it true that for the first 6 months everyone we date is "The One”???

I use to believe in the fairy tale love story.  However, after 45 years of living and more relationships than I care to mention, I am coming to a new revelation.

God has given us free will ... and with that I believe that He has given us free will to choose the "The One".

However, I believe that once we make the choice, He then expects us to honor the commitment that we made.

Relationships are hard...very hard, I understand that.  Believe me when I say it doesn't take much for me to want to throw my arms up, throw in the towel, and change the locks.  But I have learn not let my emotions rule ... pray ... and remind myself ... I chose this ... You see, this is about a commitment &  a covenant that I am made not just with the man I chose but with God.

Sometimes we do make bad choices about who we choose to be in relationship with. But keeping the commitment & covenant that we made is much more important than the mistake of choosing "The Wrong One".   Divorce is not the answer ... Prayer IS ... God IS the answer.  Prayer changes circumstances, Prayer changes hearts, Prayer changes things...Prayer is the answer. Give God the chance to let His glory shine ... He is worthy.

All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Some people say 'Well, you weren't equally yoked' or 'he wasn't "the One" God had for you' or ....yada, yada, yada ... You have probably heard a million & one excuses to why relationships didn't work.

But the truth is ... I have seen relationships that were "equally yoked" ... that were supposedly "God chosen" and yada, yada, yada ... that have failed...

It is my belief that relationships fail because people give up!  They give up on themselves, each other and they give up on God! I will say it again ... DIVORCE IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!

You don't learn how to live with someone in 5 years ... Heck, I'm not sure a lifetime is enough time to learn about someone.

I am far from perfect ... the last thing I want is to be with someone that is going to walk out because of my imperfections...or because I fold the towels differently...I am going to disappoint you, hurt you and offend you, not everything I say or do is going to make you happy, so don't depend on me for your happiness ... Seriously, did you think there would not be differences???

We all get on each other’s nerves sometimes ...impatience and people getting on our nerves isn't about their imperfections but OURS!!!  Whether it is someone we are living with or someone in line at the grocery store ... this is OUR character flaw not theirs. Own it & Deal with it...

We all have issues. If we spend more time asking God to change us instead of "The One" we chose I believe the result would overflow into a healthier & loving relationship with "The One" we chose.

In the end, whether you believe "The One" you're with is God chosen or self-chosen what is important is loving "The One” the way God does and honoring your commitment & covenant.

Sooner or later those excited, warm, fuzzy feelings wear off  … the euphoria high dissipates … reality sets in … And you are going to be faced with another choice … to do what is right or do what you feel.

With all this being said ... I understand that no matter what we do or how much we pray, sometimes the other person chooses to leave.  Do not be dismayed ... keep doing what is right ... regardless of the circumstances ... and continue to trust God.

I also understand that there are circumstances, such as abuse, that one must leave a relationship.  Keep hanging on to God's hand, He will sustain you.

It is never too early nor too late to start praying for God to prepare your heart as well as the heart of "The One" you choose.  God knows who you will choose even if you don't.