Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Very Merry Christmas 2013

What a wonderful time of the year.  A time of year full of activities with friends & family.   A time of year that is spent with special people in our lives.   

Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. 

Growing up I was always busy with family, school & church activities, my favorite was always the Christmas program at church, of course back then it was the same every year.   Oh…and how about buying those cheesy gifts for the gift exchange at school.   And the fabulous 2 week Christmas vacation … and Snow, lots of snow.  We always had lots of snow.   One year I had the chicken pox during Christmas vaca and one year I had my tonsils removed. 

Christmas was very special. I remember some years I would wake of at 3am and sneak out to the living room to see if Santa had been there yet.   I always had everyone up by 6am if not 5am.  We would open our gifts and then head out to Grandma & Grandpa’s.  Grandma would have a huge Christmas breakfast for us.  Eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, biscuits & gravy, grapefruit, fresh squeezed orange juice and more. 

And then I had to grow up …

While my kids were here we followed the same tradition that I grew up with.   I would start decorating the house inside & out after Thanksgiving.  I would set a baking day and bake & make all kinds of cookies & candies.  Christmas cards would go out with the traditional Christmas Newsletter.  And at least one night of the Christmas season we would drive around and look at Christmas lights. On Christmas morning, sometimes at 3am, I would hear my babies sneak into the living room to see if Santa had been there yet.   The kids would wake me up early just as I did, we would open gifts and then head to Grandma & Grandpa’s for that yummy traditional breakfast.

And then Grandma had to go home …

Ok…I can handle this right … I can take over the traditional Christmas breakfast…So be it and the tradition was modified a bit.

And then my babies had to grow up …

It’s been 8 years since my youngest left home.   The first few years both of my kids lived in the area, so we carried on a modified version of the Christmas tradition.   

And then Grandpa had to go home …

O…geez…another hitch in the Christmas tradition that I held so dear to my heart.

And then life took both of the kids out of state.

It’s been 4 years since we’ve been together on Christmas.  

So…what does a single woman do on Christmas???  Good question.   One year I spent with a friend at his Mom’s house.  Very uncomfortable.  Apparently some families don’t like outsiders intruding on their traditions.  The last 2 years I spent alone, expecting company that didn’t show, ending up sad & disappointed, feeling like I didn’t matter, unimportant.

And then I had to begin a new tradition …

This year is different.  We have all heard it said that our happiness shouldn’t depend on anyone else.  Well, instead of waiting, hoping someone would notice me, hoping that someone would want to spend Christmas with me, I am beginning a new tradition.   I have reached out to some Pastors and asked if they know anyone that is alone of Christmas…I actually got a couple of responses!   I am going to pop by their homes, drop off a little gift, a hug and a prayer.  I just want to let them know that they are not alone on Christmas, they haven’t been overlooked or forgotten but that they do matter, they are important… they are important to me.

And when …

Life changes, kids grow up, families get smaller. Sometimes our traditions need to be modified and sometimes they die with our elders.   When life, things or people put a hitch in your giddy up … EMBRACE IT and make it even better than before!

Saved By Grace♥Changed By Love


Monday, December 16, 2013

Career Verses Lifestyle

Why are there so many lukewarm Christians?  Why are so many Christians falling away from the church?

Maybe just maybe if there weren’t so many lukewarm leaders in the church our congregations would be on fire.  Maybe then we would see revival.

Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists are you speaking/teaching the Word of God as a career choice or a lifestyle?  Are you being led by the Holy Spirit or by the Flesh, at church, at home, on the job?

Not all Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists are called by God.   And many called are running from their call.

If you are living as though your calling is a career choice and not a lifestyle then maybe you should choose another career.

Personally I am sick and tired of listening to leaders speak/teach the Word of God and then go live their lives like it doesn’t apply to them.  It’s no wonder that so many new converts fall away and mature Christians are being shaken.

Get it together leaders or Get out.

Saved By Grace♥Changed By Love


Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Sideways Cross

Since the first time I saw the popular "Sideways Cross" there has always been something that has bothered me about it.

While out shopping yesterday I saw it again.  I stared at a "Sideways Cross" bracelet for a long time.  I thought 'this cross is not upright but sideways'.

The upside down cross represents or known for satanic beliefs.  Could the "Sideways Cross" be representing the "world" or "universalism" ... Not walking upright but walking in compromise?

What are we telling the world about our Faith?  Are we saying we are straight up or are we saying that we are lukewarm, that we are influenced by the world?

It may be ok with you and just be a piece a jewelry but for me, from the very start, the Holy Spirit has told me to stay away from it.  

The Cross is a very sacred symbol, I believe we should be very careful how we display it.

Saved By Grace♥Changed By Love


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Open Heart Surgery

The center of our life is our heart.   The condition of our heart rests on many factors, the physical condition of our body, what we eat, how we handle stress and our emotions.  Our heart is such a fascinating organ; it even takes on our personality traits.   Our heart is strong and it is weak, it breaks, it gets hard and it gets soften, our heart grows cold and it melts. 

Sometimes we build a wall around our heart with armed guards at the entrance.  And sometimes our heart is open to anybody & everybody to reek havoc.

There are a lot of different vices that we use to mask issues of or build a wall around our heart.  Drugs & Alcohol are popular but there are also such things as work, school, hobbies, kids, men, women, and the not so obvious such as being involved in others’ business & drama, anything that would distract someone from having to deal with past hurts. 

We all want to love and be loved.  But in order for us to truly love we must unmask the issues of the heart, tear down the wall, allow Jesus in, receive & accept His love.

We must submit ourselves to the Great Physician for open heart surgery.   We must allow Him to bind our wounds with His love, heal the broken places in our hearts and make us whole.  It is only then we will be able to love with pure untarnished love and to receive the pure untarnished love that we all long for.

 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  Ezekiel 36:26

Saved By Grace ♥ Changed By Love
