Wednesday, March 28, 2012

"The One"

Is there such a thing as "The One”?  Does God have One Special person for each of us?  I mean, isn't it true that for the first 6 months everyone we date is "The One”???

I use to believe in the fairy tale love story.  However, after 45 years of living and more relationships than I care to mention, I am coming to a new revelation.

God has given us free will ... and with that I believe that He has given us free will to choose the "The One".

However, I believe that once we make the choice, He then expects us to honor the commitment that we made.

Relationships are hard...very hard, I understand that.  Believe me when I say it doesn't take much for me to want to throw my arms up, throw in the towel, and change the locks.  But I have learn not let my emotions rule ... pray ... and remind myself ... I chose this ... You see, this is about a commitment &  a covenant that I am made not just with the man I chose but with God.

Sometimes we do make bad choices about who we choose to be in relationship with. But keeping the commitment & covenant that we made is much more important than the mistake of choosing "The Wrong One".   Divorce is not the answer ... Prayer IS ... God IS the answer.  Prayer changes circumstances, Prayer changes hearts, Prayer changes things...Prayer is the answer. Give God the chance to let His glory shine ... He is worthy.

All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Some people say 'Well, you weren't equally yoked' or 'he wasn't "the One" God had for you' or ....yada, yada, yada ... You have probably heard a million & one excuses to why relationships didn't work.

But the truth is ... I have seen relationships that were "equally yoked" ... that were supposedly "God chosen" and yada, yada, yada ... that have failed...

It is my belief that relationships fail because people give up!  They give up on themselves, each other and they give up on God! I will say it again ... DIVORCE IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!

You don't learn how to live with someone in 5 years ... Heck, I'm not sure a lifetime is enough time to learn about someone.

I am far from perfect ... the last thing I want is to be with someone that is going to walk out because of my imperfections...or because I fold the towels differently...I am going to disappoint you, hurt you and offend you, not everything I say or do is going to make you happy, so don't depend on me for your happiness ... Seriously, did you think there would not be differences???

We all get on each other’s nerves sometimes ...impatience and people getting on our nerves isn't about their imperfections but OURS!!!  Whether it is someone we are living with or someone in line at the grocery store ... this is OUR character flaw not theirs. Own it & Deal with it...

We all have issues. If we spend more time asking God to change us instead of "The One" we chose I believe the result would overflow into a healthier & loving relationship with "The One" we chose.

In the end, whether you believe "The One" you're with is God chosen or self-chosen what is important is loving "The One” the way God does and honoring your commitment & covenant.

Sooner or later those excited, warm, fuzzy feelings wear off  … the euphoria high dissipates … reality sets in … And you are going to be faced with another choice … to do what is right or do what you feel.

With all this being said ... I understand that no matter what we do or how much we pray, sometimes the other person chooses to leave.  Do not be dismayed ... keep doing what is right ... regardless of the circumstances ... and continue to trust God.

I also understand that there are circumstances, such as abuse, that one must leave a relationship.  Keep hanging on to God's hand, He will sustain you.

It is never too early nor too late to start praying for God to prepare your heart as well as the heart of "The One" you choose.  God knows who you will choose even if you don't.