Have you ever noticed that when you are running late, having
a bad day or super busy is when people start getting in your way, on your
nerves, or wanting more from you?
It never failed that
when I was in a huge hurry I would get behind the slowest driver or someone
that needed a price check at the register.
I was always blaming others.
“They” were doing this to me.
I have learned that it’s not the turtle driver that is
making me late or the incompetent woman who failed to make sure that her new
top had a price tag! It was me! I failed to allow the appropriate amount of
I have learned to first ask God what, how can I do better.
If I have done everything in my power, I then ask God why I am in this
circumstance? Am I here to help
someone? Am I here to learn
something? Are You protecting me from
something I don’t see?
The enemy of our soul is out to conquer & divide and he
loves to use the spirit of offense to do this.
The quicker we recognize that we are going into defense mode the sooner
we can put him (enemy) under our feet.
A couple of techniques that I use when someone triggers my
defenses are:
1. I
rephrase the statement/question back to them.
2. I ask
3. Do not be
4. Keep a
teachable spirit
5. It’s
possible that I could be wrong
More often than not I am in agreement with what the person
said, we just had a language barrier that needed to be worked through.
How many times have you either been hurt or hurt someone’s
feelings unintentionally??? When we
begin to feel hurt we need to be quick to remember that, whatever it was, was
probably not meant to hurt us. Remember
it’s not always about us! If/when we do
feel hurt we need to address it quickly so that it does not manifest into
something bigger. Remember, the Bible
teaches not to let the sun go down …
These are just a couple of examples of offenses, there are
many more, we know, but the important thing to remember is this is one of the
many tools the enemy uses to divide us.
Especially in marriages & families.
A great warrior prepares for battle long before the war, so let’s put on
our Armor, be alert and shut down the attack before there are any causalities.
Let us not forget, as James said, ‘be quick to listen, and
slow to speak’ … James 1:19
Saved by Grace ♥ Changed by Love