So someone on one of my posts comment something about Separation of Church & State ... At the time I didn't have time to address his/ her misinformation. I believe that we all could use this information as a reminder.
The Separation of Church & State has been misunderstood for years and personally I am sick and tired of people being misinformed and arguing a statement as an argument that they don't have a clear understanding of.
Separation of Church and State was created so that the government could not interfere w churches but it is in no way meant to keep faith out of politics. Read that again...Separation of Church and State was NEVER created to keep faith out of politics.
Furthermore... In the beginning, our government was meant to be set up to reassemble how Jesus set up His Ekklesia (church).
I found this short video that explains the history of Separation of Church & State ...which BTW is not in the constitution and I'm sure many of you will be surprised to learn that the KKK/Dems were behind the misinterpretation.
Saved By Grace ♥ Changed By Love