Saturday, August 13, 2016

On the Receiving End

Let me say this before you read any further, I detest alcohol.  Some of you reading may find that odd and maybe hypocritical but it is true.  I detest alcohol.
I know many of you are saying, "What??? Queen of Jello Shots detest alcohol???"  Yes, it is true, I've done some drinking, a lot of drinking actually.  But I never became an Alcoholic.  Nor have I ever experienced a drug addiction. Which can only be explained by saying the Hand of God was over me. You see, both have ran in my family, I have been on the receiving end of Alcoholism and Addiction.  The only answer I have to give for why I am not an alcoholic is the protection of God.

Alcohol robbed me of a childhood.  I had to grow up faster than any child should.  
Alcohol robbed me of my Daddy and my Grandma.  Alcohol stole a number of relationships from me and continues to be a thorn in my side.  The man I love is an alcoholic and I have other family members that are enslaved to alcoholism.  So yes, I detest alcohol.  
It grieves my heart that alcohol is their life source and that it takes priority over anything or anybody else, it's their 1st love.  I don't have a problem with someone having a drink here and there, if that is all it is.  What I'm talking about in this blog is when one's life revolves around alcohol.  When alcohol is the 1st thing you think of when feeling stressed or when planning activities & events.  When alcohol is your run to source.
So please, I'm not trying to be hypocritical or judgmental. I'm just writing what's on my heart because if I know you, I love you and if I don't know you, I know someone else loves you and is hurting just as much as I am. 
Alcohol destroys more than the liver. Alcohol destroys your dreams, aspirations, families, relationships. It has a trickle down effect. It can even destroy your sons & daughters, your grandchildren, even if they themselves don't drink. (Generational consequences of alcohol will be another blog)

The problem with alcohol, like any other sin, while you are in the midst of it, you don't see clearly. Your perceptions on issues, life, the world and spirituality are distorted. You are blinded by the darkness that has you in it's own secret prison. You will justify your addiction by the world's standards or even in comparison to someone else who "has it much worse" than you.
Addiction/Alcoholism is a very selfish disease.

It causes you to look inward and ignore the outward. 

You are deceived by the lies, that this is freedom, this is life, this is enjoyment, so much so that you don't even realize that you are bound to it.  You are so deceived and believed the lies for so long that when someone does speak Truth into your life it is like a foreign language, your eyes glaze over, and you already made your mind up that the truth is craziness. 
The disease has not only taken captive your physical body but also your mind. 

The addiction tells you that you are in control of it, but nothing is further from the truth.  The addiction will tell you that there is nothing wrong with having 1 or 2 beers but the addiction doesn't tell you that beer to your disease is like sugar to cancer.
You don't realize it but the addiction/alcoholism is making most of your life decisions.   Everything from your daily/weekend activities to when you will meet your Maker.  
So now the disease has control over your soul. 

Mind, Body, & Soul have all surrendered to the addiction/alcoholism and you are not even aware of it.

So what does an alcoholic do?  How do you wake up an alcoholic?  Prayer is always the answer, but in the meantime the sober loved ones hurt.  I don't have the answers.  I have literally fought my entire life trying to show my loved ones how alcohol was destroying them and those around them.  But they are lost in their disease and the addiction has them convinced that "all is good".

If you are reading this, and someone has said something about your drinking or drug use, my prayer is that you will reach out for help.  This is a battle you can't win on your own and if you don't confront it, the enemy is going to win in the end.  

And please understand, those that voice concern about your drinking or drug use, they are not out to control you, they love you, they want you around, happy, healthy, clean & sober.

And to those that are on the receiving end, stay in prayer, set & keep boundaries, and most of all love unconditionally.

Saved By Grace ♥ Changed By Love
