Sunday, December 30, 2012

Leading to The Cross or Chasing Away?

I had to make a heartbreaking decision not too long ago.  A very dear friend, who I wanted so badly to know Jesus, told me that he was never going to church again and he wasn’t going to do the “God” thing and it was because of me.

WOW … what a blow.  The one thing I wanted most was never going to happen.  I was chasing one of the most important people in my life away from the cross!

I knew then I had to take a step back.  Nothing is more important, not my feelings, wants, needs, desires, than a person’s salvation.  I could no longer stand in the way of him finding his way to the cross.

Sometimes, and all too often, it’s the people closest to us, the ones we love the most, that we hinder.

Maybe it’s because they knew us before, or maybe they see us stumble.  Maybe they see us at some very ugly moments.  Whatever it is, you know the enemy is right there pointing out the worse in us to give our loved ones reasons not to go to the cross.

Why does the enemy target our loved ones?  Other than wanting to collect souls for his kingdom, he wants to shake our faith and ruin our witness.  He wants to point fingers and accuse us of being fakes.  He wants to destroy our relationships and what better way than to use “religion”.

When leading others to Jesus we must be very mindful about our words, actions and be wise to the enemy’s tactics.  Just plant the seed & love on people.  If they don't want to accept Christ that's their deal.  Our salvation is not based on their decision and we don't make a commission.  Yes, our hearts break for lost loved ones, but we just have to trust God.

The funny thing about this story is … all along he thought he was getting in the way of my relationship with God … as it turns out I was blocking his.  Strange how the enemy can use the love for Christ and the love for another person to pull three people apart.

I can’t change the world but I can change ME :)

The Man Died for Me !

The Man died for me!
 And it wasn't a quick death like a bullet to the head. The Man was beaten, mutilated and then hung on a cross, His hands & feet pierced with yucky rusted nails AND WITHOUT anesthesia!!!
 The least I can do for this Man is honor & praise Him ... I have to admit though ... I am awesome at the praise but when it comes to honoring Him ... I fall short everyday.
A goal for this year ... Work on honoring Jesus by the way I live my life EVERYDAY. 
I can't change the world but I can change me :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friend or Acquaintance?

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

What does this mean?  That I would take a bullet for a friend?  Well, yes I believe so.  However, I believe it goes much further than that.

I have a friend, (and maybe after studying this scripture, the term friend is being used loosely)
 this “friend” swore he would give up his life for mine.  I was flattered, for only a minute.  I quickly remembered all the times he let me down.  Times he didn’t honor commitments, times he betrayed my trust, and times he wasn’t there for me when I needed a shoulder. How in the world could I trust this person with my life when I couldn’t trust him to show up any other time?

You see, I believe, like so many others, that this “friend” had heard this scripture or something like it and thought how honorable & selfless it is to literally die for someone else.  So they “use” the scripture to prove their love for their “friends”, knowing that the likelihood of them literally dying for someone is not going to happen. 

I believe when Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”, He wasn’t just talking about literal death.  He was saying die to your flesh, your wants, needs, desires and serve your friends.  Serve your friends with love, compassion & consideration, with thanksgiving in your heart. Take care of your friends even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable for you. Be joyful & glad to do it.  And if necessary protect them with your life. 

So my question is, if people really understood what it meant to ‘lay down one’s life’, would they be so quick to say, ‘yeah, I would die for you.’  My guess is they would not.  You see we live in a very selfish fallen world and for the most part a true friend is a rare find.

I do not set New Year resolutions, but I do set goals, and this year one of my goals is to become a better friend. I can't change the world but I can change me.

Are you a Friend or Acquaintance?

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.